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Local Pet Care Center Boosts Appointments, Expanding to 2 New Locations

Pet Care Center in Washington, DC boosts appointments and return customers.
Facebook Advertising
Social Media Marketing
Digital Marketing
Patrick's Pet Care
Local Pet Care Center Boosts Appointments, Expanding to 2 New Locations

Case Study: Patrick's Pet Care

Patrick's Pet Care is a full-service pet care center based in Washington DC that offers dog walking, pet sitting, grooming, boarding, and training services. They came to us to help them expand their business and increase their customer base, while also gaining media coverage.

Project Overview

Patrick's Pet Care had already established a strong reputation as a trusted pet care provider in DC, but they wanted to take their business to the next level. They were in the process of expanding to two new locations and were looking for a comprehensive marketing strategy to help them increase leads, attract new customers, and generate media coverage.

Marketing Campaign Structure

Our team developed a multi-faceted marketing campaign that included the following tactics:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) to improve their website's visibility in search results for relevant keywords
  • Facebook and Instagram ads targeting pet owners in the DC area, highlighting the company's unique services and competitive pricing
  • Email marketing campaigns to engage with current and potential customers and promote new services, such as the opening of the new locations
  • Public relations outreach to local media outlets to secure coverage and generate buzz about the company

We also implemented advanced tracking and analytics to monitor the performance of each campaign and make data-driven decisions to optimize our efforts.


Our marketing campaigns for Patrick's Pet Care were a tremendous success, achieving the following results:

  • Leads increased by 320%
  • New customers increased by 270%
  • Media coverage secured in multiple local media outlets, including a feature on CNN
  • Appointment secured with Jill Biden, the First Lady, for a dog care appointment for the White House dog

Our multi-faceted marketing approach allowed us to reach a wide audience and generate significant interest in Patrick's Pet Care. By promoting the company's unique services and competitive pricing, we were able to attract new customers and generate leads that ultimately drove business growth. Additionally, the media coverage we secured helped to further elevate the company's brand and generate even more interest in their services. The appointment with Jill Biden was a particularly exciting achievement and helped to cement Patrick's Pet Care's reputation as a leading pet care provider in the DC area.

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